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buccal fat reduction
Clinique Face MD

Clinique Face MD

Buccal fat removal Montreal - Buccal fat reduction surgery

What is buccal fat removal surgery?

Buccal fat removal is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure. It’s also known as a buccal lipectomy or cheek reduction surgery. During the procedure, the buccal fat pads in your cheeks are surgically removed. This thins the cheeks and defines facial angles.

Clinique Face MD

What Are Benefits of Buccal Fat Reduction Surgery?

The main benefit of buccal fat reduction is the achievement of a more chiseled cheekbone by removing the extra fat underneath them. This results in increased overall facial harmony. Some other benefits of this facial plastic surgery procedure include:

  • Enhanced prominence of cheekbones and cheek hollow;
  • Improved facial feature contouring to appear more angular;
  • Gentle procedure performed under local anesthesia;
  • Incisions are placed inside your mouth next to the upper molars, so you will not see a visible scar;
  • There is minimal downtime without a long or painful recovery period;
  • The removed fat can be transferred back to the cheeks, as a permanent filler, to enhance their definition.
Talk to a licensed head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery about buccal fat removal
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Clinique Face MD

The Place for
Your Face

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Clinique Face MD

How do I prepare myself for a buccal fat pad reduction consultation?

First, prepare to list in order of importance the elements you would like to improve in your face: cheeks, jowls, submental fat, neck platysmal bands, among others. Do you find you have weak cheekbones or a weak chin? Are there any other regions that bother you in your faces such as your eyebrows, eyes, nose, or lips?

Help us understand your facial structure before your buccal fat removal procedure

Try to find and bring with you current photos of your parents, and photos of them at your age. 

Finally, if you have had cosmetic soft tissue fillers to the face, try to find out which products were injected and when. If you have already had facial plastic surgery, try to bring with you the operative report of your prior procedures if this is possible.

Clinique Face MD

Am I a good candidate for buccal fat pad removal?

The ideal candidate for buccal fat reduction is a patient with realistic expectations and chubby cheeks, where the fat is not expected to decrease with age (we often look at photos of the patient’s parents to determine this).

You believe you are a good candidate for buccal fat reduction? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have excess facial fat in your cheeks? A consultation with a trained cosmetic surgery doctor can help you find out.
  • What do your parents’ cheeks look like? It is often normal to have fuller cheeks in your twenties, and this fat often naturally melts away with age. For patients with parents who have thinner cheeks, it is often better to not do the procedure in order to avoid a skeletonized appearance as you age if you undergo buccal fat reduction.
  • Have you tried losing your fat using exercise and diet change?
  • Have you tried reversible procedures, such as cheekbone augmentation with hyaluronic acid injections?

Who is a candidate for buccal fat transfer to the cheekbones?

A procedure that was pioneered in Canada by Dr. Moubayed is buccal fat transfer to the cheeks. For patients with very large cheeks and weak cheekbones, the removed buccal fat is processed, cleaned, and reinjected into the cheekbone area as a permanent filler.

This truly enhances the cheek contour and overall facial structure, and optimizes buccal fat reduction results.

Clinique Face MD

What happens during a buccal fat removal consultation?

Benefit from a thorough consultation process with a board-certified head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery

A consultation starts with a complete questionnaire and physical examination. We specifically examine skin elasticity and excess facial fat. Photos are taken and analyzed with your surgeon. This is an essential communication tool as some patients want changes that are not always possible in surgery.

We also analyze photos of your parents if you have them available. 

Buccal fat removal Montreal - Choose a recognized head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery

Patients benefit from a complete initial consultation, where you can talk about surgery and recovery: Dr. Moubayed will answer any and all questions you may have about our buccal fat removal procedure.

Multiple consultations are sometimes necessary before deciding to proceed with a buccal fat removal surgery. Cosmetic facial surgery is an important decision to make and it is important that you are well informed before proceeding with it. Contact us to set up a consultation for a buccal fat removal in Montreal!

Clinique Face MD

What are the risks of buccal fat reduction?

Like any surgery, buccal fat reduction presents the universal (but minimal) risks of scarring, bleeding (and bruising), swelling, infection (superficial or deep), and pain (usually temporary).

Buccal fat reduction is considered a safe procedure, but still has some risks

The main risk of any cosmetic surgery treatment is to not be satisfied with the result. After a proper consultation that includes a complete examination and photo evaluation, Dr. Moubayed can generally produce the results desired by the patient. However, we do not control the healing of tissues, and some patients heal in an unpredictable way producing asymmetries or irregularities that can sometimes require touch-ups.

Clinique Face MD

What are potential complications following a buccal fat removal surgical procedure?

Buccal fat pad reduction involves the risk of producing paralysis of a facial nerve branch, and injury to the salivary duct of the parotid gland, resulting in chronic inflammation. However, these risks are rare when performed by a properly trained surgeon.

Mitigate buccal fat removal complications with a licensed head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery

Dr. Moubayed is a surgeon that is exclusively trained in facial surgery. He has a conservative and individualized approach with each patient. All patients are followed closely after surgery with very precise and very clear instructions. All of this is done in order to minimize the risks listed above. Do not hesitate to contact Clinique Face MD if you are interested in a buccal fat removal procedure!

Clinique Face MD

When to contact your head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery after a facial surgery?

Although Dr. Moubayed has a solid track record of buccal fat reduction surgeries, there is always a risk of complications following a cheek reduction surgery. If any of our patients experience the following symptoms after a buccal fat removal procedure, we recommend they contact Clinique Face MD as soon as possible.

  • Excessive bleeding;
  • Potential signs of infection in your mouth, such as very hot skin, presence of pus, red and inflamed skin or a fever;
  • Asymmetrical results or difficulties in the healing process;
  • Abnormal taste or secretions in the mouth.
Choose Dr. Sami Moubayed for your cheekbone-defining surgery
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Clinique Face MD

Things You Should Know Before Buccal Fat Removal Procedure

Buccal Fat Removal: Frequently Asked Questions for Buccal Fat Removal Surgery.

How much does a buccal fat removal surgery cost in Montreal? The answer is dependent on a number of factors, such as:

  • The level of experience of a surgeon, and his track record when performing this type of plastic surgery;
  • The anesthesia (local anesthesia or general anesthesia) used during the buccal fat reduction surgery;

And many more! It is important to know that buccal fat removal is a purely cosmetic procedure, which is usually not covered by Quebec’s medical insurance. Therefore, we recommend anyone interested in buccal fat pad removal to book a consultation with Dr. Moubayed to discuss their options. With over 3,500 successful surgeries, we believe that Dr. Sami Moubayed is the best option for the chiselled cheekbones you wish for. 

Buccal fat, or buccal fat pads, are a layer of fat found between your cheekbones and the bones forming your jaw. These buccal fat pads play a significant role in the shape of your face, and are found in varying quantities in individuals: little cheek fat highlights the bone structure in your face, giving you more defined cheekbones and jawline area.

Reduce the volume of your cheeks and define your cheekbones with buccal fat removal

Buccal fat removal surgery is a quick and painless procedure when performed appropriately by experienced surgeons. When using modern techniques that enable maximum control, buccal fat pad removal generally takes around 30 minutes. However, depending on the anesthesia method used, it might be longer.

What type of anesthesia is used for buccal fat pad reduction?

Buccal fat removal surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation. When combined with a more extensive surgery such as a rhinoplasty, it can be performed under general anesthesia.

The type of anesthesia used is totally intravenous (without using anesthetic gases). This type of anesthesia is safe and helps reduce nausea and coughing after surgery. Our patients often report how positive their experience was.

Patients leave the surgical center the same day and recover at home with very precise instructions. We prescribe an antiseptic mouth rinse and put you on a soft diet for the first week.

Days after surgery 

Your first post-operative appointment will take place 5 to 7 days later, where your wound will be examined. At that point, you can return to your regular activities and any bruising can be hidden with concealer.

Weeks after surgery

Light physical activity can be resumed after a week, but for more vigorous activities like weightlifting, it is recommended to wait three weeks to minimize bleeding risk.

Start with a soft food and liquid diet after a buccal fat reduction surgery

Eat soft foods and rinse your mouth frequently in the first week in order for the small incisions inside the mouth to heal properly. Make sure to avoid hard food such as chips to avoid damaging the stitches or opening the incisions.

After a week, you will notice amazing and natural-looking results. The majority of swelling decreases over the first two months, but minimal (barely visible) swelling can persist for up to a year.

It is important to look at multiple factors before choosing your surgeon:

  • Does your surgeon have specific expertise in facial surgery and anatomy to be able to minimize complications to the facial nerve and salivary glands?
  • Can your surgeon perform all types of procedures on the face and neck to be able to choose which one is most adapted to your needs?
  • Did you have a positive experience and feel comfortable during your consultation?

Carefully selected patients can benefit from hyaluronic acid injections to the face or facial implants.

Nothing replaces a consultation with a doctor that can offer all procedures (non-invasive and invasive) to determine which one is most appropriate for your facial needs.

L Gold

Buccal Fat Removal gallery

Warning: These photos are published as an indication to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Source: Clinique Face MD.

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